Sunday, January 3, 2010

Breaking Point 2KX

What’s Your Breaking Point?

Have you ever heard the story of the boiling frog?
It goes like this…
When you place a lil’ froggy in a pot of boiling water, the frog’s immediate reaction is to jump like crazy to get out of that pot and escape “un-boiled”.

If you put that same lil’ froggy into a pot of cool water and slowly heat the water up to a boil, Mr. Frog will just sit there until it’s too late for him to escape. He’ll be cooked before he realizes the danger he is in.

So what’s that mean to you?

It’s simple.
A lot of us are making seemingly harmless little decisions everyday (you know, getting the chips with your sub at Subway or turning that one reward meal into three each week).
Each one of those decisions adds more belly fat and with enough of these bad choices can lead you down the path to some really serious and nasty diseases.

We’re slowly allowing ourselves to be boiled.
We are…
Making small little diet mistakes each day that then become bad habits and cause us to gain belly fat...
Making excuses to skip workouts and slowly get off track...
Waiting and waiting and waiting to get started ...
Not looking deep inside ourselves for internal motivation to change ...
Not seeking out social support from others ...
And just not taking baby steps each day to improve our health, fitness, and body transformations

So I have one question for you…

What is your “breaking point” required to to stick to your program and keep up that motivation? What will finally cause you to make the healthy changes for good and what do you need to help you stick to it?

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