Monday, November 30, 2009
T’is the last month of the year…still time to make progress…
Transformation Tip:
The harsh reality is that most people do not want to see you succeed. People will try to hold you down. You must make an effort to hang around others who share your goals to lose weight, and so that you can leverage their knowledge, commitment, support, and success. It’s research proven that when you hang around others who succeed that you will also succeed
“Figure yourself out; spend some time in introspection” - Frank McKinney.
That’s a brilliant idea…
…so take 10-15 minutes for yourself to write down where you’re headed for the rest of the year, and what plans you want you to accomplish in 2010 and then put in some action steps you need to follow to reach those goals.
Keep it simple and clear.
Answer these questions:
1) Is the life you’re living worth what you are giving up to have it?
2) Are you doing what you want in life?
3) Are you living the personal life that you want?
4) Are you doing enough of the little things that make you happy?
5) Are you spending enough time with the people that make you happy?
6) Are you making the best use of the limited time you have in your one lifetime?
Simple questions. Simple answers.
Make a simple plan.
Develop simple solutions.
It’s sometimes a jagged little pill to swallow, but good things come to those who are willing to work hard
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
3 SECRETS of Your Holiday Fat Burning Plan
If you want to LOSE fat over the holidays…
Losing fat and keeping the weight off over the holidays is easier than you think. And I'm going to show you exactly what you need to do to lose fat while enjoying yourself at big meals and parties over Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.
There's just 3 simple steps you need to follow.
1) You need to plan out your reward meals in advance. Remember, it is a big psychological boost to your fat loss program if you can still enjoy your favorite foods while transforming your body. So here's what you need to do. Simply grab a calendar and mark off the days when you have a big meal planned. Don't forget, you get at least one meal per week when you can have whatever you want. That means you can mark off Thanksgiving Thursday, and then your work holiday party, then your family Christmas dinners, and any other event you have planned. Once per week you get to reward yourself for doing such a great job with your program. So enjoy!
2) The second thing you need to do is plan out your fat burning workouts sessions in advance, so you know exactly what you need to do in order to free up more time for holiday parties, shopping, andmerry-making.
3) Stay strong with social support. Now more than ever is the time of year when you need to spend time with your trainer, workout buddy, at End Results. Make sure you are still checking in and sending your nutrition logs. Get help and support on sticking to your fat burning plan over the holidays.
So that's all you have to do...just follow that simple 3-step planof reward meals, planning, and social support, and you'll lose fat over the holidays.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
A Serious Damage Control Workout Before The Big Feast!
This circuit workout is built specifically for this special occassion.
Its meant to maximally torch calories,
boost metabolism, and
deplete muscle glycogen(sugar) stores
that will go along way to allowing room for some holiday treats!
Crank out this Turkey Day Workout.
Get After it!!!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Stay Strong!!!
Ahhhh...To be young and agile! LOL! Check me out @20secs in.
Now we’re all entering the heart of holiday season here now, but I want you to stay strong !
Now if you still have Halloween candy sitting around, let’s go to our Transformation tip:
The harsh truth is…”If it is in your house, you’re going to eat it.”
So get rid of the junk, and don’t let it get there in the first place! Do not rationalize a reason for it to be there. Just dump it. You WILL feel better about it, you WILL benefit from it and you WILL NOT have to stop yourself from eating it because it wont be there!
and now check out this research study…
J Am Coll Nutr. 28(2):159-68. Adherence and success in long-term weight loss diets: the dietary intervention randomized controlled trial (DIRECT).
The scientists wanted to see if people could stick to different diets.
They studied 322 overweight men and women in 3 diet groups:
Greater weight loss achieved when diets sustained for longer than month-6 was the main predictor associated with success in weight loss.
So sitck with it...
Holidays were a trigger to a significant decrease in adherence followed by a rebound.
Be ready to get back on track...
Generally, the most irresistible restricted food items were cookies (45% of dieters) and fruits (30%).
Just dump it...
Among the physically active (n = 107), 44% reported a tendency to eat less after exercising.
Whats the new buzz at End Results?!?!
When? Tues/Thurs @10
I'm sure if you twist Jessica's arm she'll add more classes or Personal Training too!
Have you heard of fitness bootcamp workouts?
You’ve probably heard me mention them recently, but I’ve just discovered a surprising new benefit to these types of workouts (and ALL partner and group workouts in general). In a recent issue of the Economist, I stumbled across an article reporting this…
“Research shows that if you train with others, you can endure more discomfort and you can train harder.”
That means more results, and it’s just one more reason why you should be training with a partner.
The right training partner and environments are crucial for success. Get after it!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Adding in Pilates and Take away the Candy

Transformation Tip: Just a simple, but timely tip today…Make sure you remove excess sugar from your diet if you want maximum mental energy and fat burning.
Plan, Shop & Prepare: Make sure to add lots of high-fiber foods to your diet.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Losing another pound!

Take a look at a new research study from the journal,
“Obesity” - Exercise Training Prevents Regain of Visceral Fat for 1 Year Following Weight Loss.
Researchers studied 97 women. They were put on an 800 kcal per day diet and lost 12.3kg - that’s a lot of weight! After the weight loss, these women were put into 2 groups - control (no exercise group)and the other cardio/resistance training group. the exercise groups did 2 workouts per week of 40 minutes.
After one year, it was found that the folks who stuck to their exercise program and went back to prrevious diet only gained back about 3.5kg, but the non-exercise group gained back 6kg.
So the study showed that both cardio and resistance training helped limit weight regain.
Of course, in a perfect world, these subjects wouldn’t have gained back any weight, but at least exercise helped them keep it off. So there are 3 lessons here…
1) Diet plus exercise is most powerful
2) Consistency is king
3) It doesn’t have to be cardio - resistance training is also effective.
I've been getting these amazing new updates every week from Kari...
"ok, so for the past year i have been doing 6 days a week of cardio and have been stuck at 130#. After my first week I lost one pound! I know its not much but its past my plateau and this was after my one cheat meal you allowed me!!!!I'm excited. Hopefully i will get to 115# without working out so much Thanks Bobby! here's my food journal:"
And then the next week..."down another 1.5lbs this week!!!! Ive been telling you all last week about doing steady state b/c i was getting the itch again that more cardio isbetter. Well i held to no steady state and have stuck with justdoing weights/circuits with you on mon,wed,fri and then on tues/thurs doing Intervals. I can't believe that i'm losing weight by working out less! my diet is as follows:"
And finally, just yesterday she wrote..."down another pound this week. I'm now at 116! One more pound andi've reached my goal and i've got plenty of time to spare before my reunion!"
*How cool is that?!I get so excited when I hear these success stories...
Transforming your body is all about quality training and whole,natural food nutrition.
Have you heard of fitness bootcamp workouts?
You’ve probably heard me mention them recently, but I’ve just discovered a surprising new benefit to these types of workouts (and ALL partner and group workouts in general).
In a recent issue of the Economist, I stumbled across an article reporting this…
“Research shows that if you train with others, you can endure more discomfort and you can train harder.”
That means more results, and it’s just one more reason why you should be training in a bootcamp - or at least with a partner.
The right training partner and environments are crucial for success.
Join here!
Monday, October 5, 2009
90 days left! 5 ways to Transform your Body
Look closely in above video. You just might see somebody familiar! Lol
There are less than 90 days left in the year, but with these 5 simple steps you're about to discover, you can still change your body in 2009 - even during the holiday season.
You just have to make 5 simple changes this week. I promise you the path to success is simple.
And I promise you that you WILL get better results from short, burst workouts - NOT slow cardio. After all, a recent study published in the British Journal of SportsMedicine found that 26 out of 58 men and women dropped only 2 pounds after a 12-week cardio program. That just shows you that cardio is not the best way to transform your body. Even though these poor men and women were forced to do 5 hours of cardio per week, most of them just didn't get results. Even the lucky ones who did get "results" with cardio still only lost an average of 6.7 pounds in 12 weeks.
But that's a far cry from the 12 to 30 pounds of fat that men AND women are losing on an integrated Stength/Interval training program.
So here's what you need to do to succeed in transforming your body:
1) Never, ever, EVER give up.If you stumble, get back up. Get social support from a nutrition buddy and from an exercise partner so that you can always have someone there to help you through the tough times.
2) Be consistent with your nutrition compliance. Stick to whole, natural foods 90% of the time and you will change your body - guaranteed. We all know that we need to avoid junk food, sugar, and mindlesssnacking, so simply plan ahead by packing and prepping food and you'll avoid diet-killing mistakes.
3) Make baby step changes today for long-term lifestyle changes that will guarantee you'll lose the weight. Even when you are on holiday and feel like you are not sticking to your plan, your healthy habits will kick in.
4) Keep track of your nutrition. This will help you identify the mistakes you are making BUT also will show you what works best for you. And then you can always return to the most effective program for you if you are ever struggling.
5) Exercise smarter, not longer. As I mentioned earlier, study after study continues to show that long, slow cardio is almost worthless for transforming your body. And more importantly, there are dozens if not hundreds of real-life examples at your gym or where you work that prove hours of cardio does not cause amazing transformations. It might be the overweight runner in your neighborhood, or the person who does an hour on the elliptical machine every day at your gym who still looks the same as they did last year, or it might be someone at your work who is frustrated with their workout becausec ardio is getting them nowhere. Or it could be your own frustrating experience with cardio...But I promise you, dropping cardio and switching to the short, burst resistance and interval training workouts in the will help you transform your body - fast. It's a win-win situation.
You'll save time, exercise less, and get more results.
Monday, September 14, 2009
7 tips to Losing Fat

Here are the 7 things you need to do to make this happen:
• Goal set.
Top nutritionists - real world nutritionists - like Alan Aragon are suggesting you eat whole foods because those provide more nutritious sources of the protein, carbs, and fats your body needs compared to sugary shakes.
Social Support!Do 30 minutes of fun activity on the weekends and if you have any crazy weekend plans, just set some rules and expectations. Plan for your rewards, and avoid the stuff that you don’t really need.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Eusabio's Tennis workout
Eusebio Sarabia
Palos Verdes Tennis Club.
Tennis Fitness workout of the day:
1a Lateral Shuffle
1b Plyo Push ups
1c Med ball Twist
2a 1 Foot Lateral Hops
2b Side Planks
2c Burpee Push ups
3a Low Box Hops
3b Ab Wheel
3 c Power get ups
What is a WORKOUT?
+A workout is 25 percent perspiration and 75 percent determination. Stated another way, it is one part physical exertion and three parts self-discipline. Doing it is easy once you get started.
+A workout makes you better today than you were yesterday. It strengthens the body, relaxes the mind, and toughens the spirit. When you work out regularly, your problems diminish and your confidence grows.
+A workout is a personal triumph over laziness and procrastination. It is the badge of a winner -the mark of an organized, goal oriented person who has taken charge of his or her destiny.
+A workout is a wise use of time and an investment in excellence. It is a way of preparing for life's challenges and proving to yourself that you have what it takes to do what is necessary.
+A workout is a key that helps unlock the door to opportunity and success. Hidden within each of us is an extraordinary force. Physical and mental fitness are the triggers that can release it.
+A workout is a form of rebirth. When you finish a good workout, you don't simply feel better.
So what up at ?
Nathan's Goin' away for school Workout
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Dave's workout
It is how you fit into your clothes and look in the mirror that counts. NO ONE wears a scale around the neck or a t-shirt with their weight on the back.
And now…it's time…to…get…it on!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
5 F-R-E-E Fat loss Circuits
Let’s say you choose to do Workout #1.
8 reps of the Two Arm Squat Press, without rest, you’ll immediately move to
pushups and perform 15 reps, without rest, you’ll immediately move into
dumbbell swings (8 on each arm).
As soon as the last rep of the 3rd exercise is complete, that’s 1 set. You’ll then rest 60 seconds and repeat.
Perform 3-5 sets total for 1 workout then rest 2 min and pick another circuit. For a total of 6- 10 circuits.
Jumping Jacks
Jump Rope
Mountain Climbers
Dumbbell Swing
One Arm Dumbbell Squat Press
Two Arm Dumbbell Squat Press
Jumping Lunge
Lunge Press
Two Arm Dumbbell Squat Press x 8
Pushup x 15
Dumbbell Swing x 8 each arm
One Arm Dumbbell Squat Press x 8 each arm
Jumping Jacks x 25
Jumping Lunge x 8 each leg
Dumbbell Swing x 8 each arm
Pushup x 15
Mountain Climber x 50 total (25 each leg)
One Arm Dumbbell Squat Press x 8 each arm
Jumping Jacks x 50
Lunge Press x 8
Dumbbell Swing x 8 each arm
Mountain Climber x 50
Push up x 15
Sunday, July 26, 2009
3 Body Transformations Tips, Avoiding Mindless Eating
Friday, June 26, 2009
The 7 Secrets for Having a Fat Loss Mindset pt 1
What really separates those who lose weight from those who don't? Motivational mindset. Watch the video as Craig reveals the 7 key personality and habitual traits you need to adopt if you want to lose weight and keep it off for good.
Fat loss isn't easy, but if you are able to persevere, and slowly implement these mindsets into your life, you will begin to see that they quickly become a way of life for you and in the end, reward you with the transformation you've always wanted.
So, believe in yourself and know that you can do whatever it is you set out to do!
1st Ever TT Seminar - Part 1 of 21 from TTPlatinum on Vimeo.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Eat Great Food @ Home!!!
Wow! With the helping hand of June and our server Ganet we had a
great experience.
This will be one our new places for a nice time out.
Looking to save time and $$$ while shopping online?!?!
Check out:
Your Invited!
Learn how to cook delicious, low-fat meals at home.
Wednesday *June 17th
Join Nikki Dow, Registered dietitian & End Results Training Center
for a hands-on cooking demonstration and culinary tips
you can use at home.
Eat Home?!?!
Because YOU control what you eat!
Besides, it's healthier, happier and less
expensive than eating out.
As an added bonus, eating at home is a great way
to connect with your family and make mealtime memories.
You can start cooking your favorite
low-fat recipes at home today!
Join your Instructor
Nikki Dow, with over 15 years
as a Registered Dietitian. Having worked
in research at Harbor UCLA, Food Service
Director for Lennox School District and perhaps
even more importantly Nikki loves to cook!
She lives in the South Bay with her husband
and two youg sons.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Beach Body Transformation
y John Berardi
Girls, there’s a lot of information bouncing around the internet suggesting how women should train to get that figure look. A lot of it is really great. However, very few authors have put an entire program together for ya — one that tells you how to train, how to eat, and how to supplement. To help you cut through all the nonsense, let’s get right down to it. Here’s a figure program that’s designed for results — whether you want to compete as a figure athlete, or just look and feel like one.
I love this quote:
“Movement is medicine for changing a person’s physical, emotional, and mental state.”
Indeed, recent research has demonstrated that exercise is more effective in treating depression than antidepressant medications! Beyond that, we all know that exercise helps us lose weight and build lean muscle.
Hummm… exercise helps reshape the body, brighten the spirits, and sharpen the mind. I’m sold!
The biggest question I get about exercise is: “What type of exercise should I do if I want that figure athlete look?” Well, for starters, any exercise is better than none. The best exercise is the kind of exercise you’ll actually do. But if you want to really reshape your body, you’ll need to do mostly high intensity exercise.
Two types of high intensity exercise work best.
1. Strength training
2. High intensity interval/conditioning training
Strength training
While most women think of strength training as something reserved for bodybuilders and strongmen, nothing could be farther from the truth. While strength training can be done in the gym with weights, it also can be done with dumbbells, sandbags, old tractor tires, exercise bands, or even your own body weight. And all of this can be done at home, at a local park, or at a community centre.
The real key is challenging your body through six key movement patterns:
• Pushing
• Pulling
• Twisting
• Squatting
• Bending
• Lunging
Conditioning work
In addition to strength exercise, you should also include some conditioning exercise, often referred to as cardio. Now, although most people think of long jogs, bike rides, or the Stairmaster, this type of exercise is not all that effective.
Indeed, high intensity interval exercise, in which you work really hard for 20-90 seconds, rest, work hard again, rest again, has been shown to be the most effective form of conditioning work.
Thus, my recommendation: in addition to the
3 weight training workouts per week, add in 2 interval/circuit workouts.
Eventually, if you’re interested in getting really lean — like contest-lean — you can add more. But for now, this should get it done.
Other exercise
You probably think of your exercise time in terms of single workouts, e.g. “60 minutes three times per week”. I encourage you to think of it in terms of total time per week.
Research I’ve done in conjunction with the University of Wyoming has demonstrated that 5 hours per week is the magic number.
Anything less fails to produce results while 5 hours or more of exercise produces great results.
To reach the 5 hour threshold, and to help you recover from this high intensity work, finish your week with some very low intensity cardio work:
Walk around the block.
Go for a bike ride. That’s the sort of stuff I mean.
Lower intensity yoga counts too.
Just as exercise is medicine, so is food. And just as it’s possible to dig your grave with your own knife and fork, it’s also possible to prevent and treat disease as well as improve your body with your utensils.
Unfortunately, most people are never very honest about what their knives and forks are doing. In fact, a speak no evil, see no evil, hear no evil approach is usually taken. If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard one of these lines, I’d be a very wealthy guy.
“I eat really well…”
“…I’m still 20lbs overweight.”
“My diet is perfect…”
“…I often feel sluggish and my energy is low.”
“I make good nutritional choices…”
“…I’ve got high blood pressure, cholesterol, and type II diabetes.”
If you ate really well, if your diet was perfect, or if you made good nutritional choices, these would not be problems. So, the best way for you to get started in improving your diet is to follow these five rules:
1. Eat about 4x a day and don’t wait so long between meals.
Research has demonstrated that those people who eat more frequently tend to have better blood sugar control, lower stress hormone production, lower body fat, and more lean muscle. But their food has to be the right stuff.
2. Include lean, complete protein at every meal and snack.
The ideal amount of protein per day for an exercising individual is 1 gram per pound of body weight. For a 140 lb woman, that’d be 140 g of protein. Getting this much means grabbing some protein every time you snack or eat a meal.
3. Include veggies at every meal and snack.
The ideal amount of veggies each day is about 8 servings. Now, the every meal thing isn’t necessary. But it’s quite tough to get all these servings if you don’t include some cooked, raw, juiced, or blended veggies with each meal.
4. Include a variety of healthy fats.
Our food supply today contains a fat balance that’s out of whack. To get our fat intake back to where it should be, we need to include things like olive oil, avocados, flax oil, fish oil, raw nuts, etc. each day.
5. Consume carbohydrate-rich foods only after exercise.
Carbs aren’t the enemy. But they should be controlled — especially for women — since it’s easy to over eat them. The best strategy to control carbs is to eat mostly whole grain carbohydrates (like amaranth, quinoa, whole grain oats, etc.) and to save them until after exercise. Since exercise increases our body’s ability to effectively utilize carbohydrates, the ideal time to eat some whole grains is within the first few hours post exercise.
These “rules” are a great start. But they won’t get the job done alone. In fact, there are two other secrets to helping you build a great physique.
Other Food Ideas
The first is a lesson we can take from the Okinawans, called hara hachi bu. In Okinawa, heart disease and stroke rates are lower than in North America. So are cholesterol, homocysteine, and blood pressure measures. Rates of cancer are lower — especially breast, colon, ovarian and prostate cancer. Hip fractures are lower and dementia is rare. Plus the Okinawans tend to live longer.
What’s their secret? Hara hachi bu. Roughly translated this means eating only until you’re 80% full. And no more. Now, this isn’t a dietary suggestion. Rather, it’s part of their culture. Anyone who stuffs themselves is considered a glutton. In the end, many experts believe that this cultural practice, in conjunction with the Okinawan diet rich in fruits and veggies, fish, and legumes is the secret of their success.
The other thing that’ll help you look your best? If you have a male partner, make sure his portion sizes don’t impact yours. If you live and/or dine with a male partner, chances are you automatically overeat simply because you two are chowing together.
Think about dinners out. You’re served the same portions. Yet you’re likely not the same size. Do you really think that you need to eat the same amount as he does? Only if you want to weigh the same as him, I guess. And the same goes for meals at home. I bet you serve meals on the same size plate for both of you. That’s another recipe for overeating.
To help prevent his portions from influencing yours, there are a few strategies you should adopt immediately.
First, when at restaurants, ask if they’ll accommodate small potion sizes. He gets the normal size, you get the smaller one. And if that doesn’t work, here’s something my lady does. She orders what she wants. Then she tells the server to split it into two, boxing up one half for later. This way she gets two meals for the price of one.
Next, at home, make sure you have two different size plates: One large one for him. And one small one for you. Then you can fill both plates, neither looks sad and empty, and each of you eats an appropriate portion.
Many experts suggest that supplements aren’t necessary when the diet is complete. Unfortunately in North America, the diet is pretty much never complete. Can you believe that 68% of the population is deficient in calcium, 90% in chromium, 75% in magnesium, 80% in vitamin B6, and 95% in omega-3 fats?
In fact, in a recent study, even athletes’ diets didn’t measure up. In this project, the diets of 70 athletes were analyzed for vitamin and mineral intake and not a single one met the recommended daily amount. All of them were deficient in between 3 and 15 nutrients.
Beyond this, other research has shown the following:
• Less than 3% of men and 5% of women get the minimum number of fruits and veggies per day (3-5 servings).
• On average, women get only 80 g of protein per day (when their needs are closer to 120-140 g) and men get only 120 g of protein per day (when their needs are closer to 170-190 g).
I’m definitely not one to heavily promote nutritional supplements. However, with the deficiencies above, folks have to either improve their food intake tremendously or they have to start supplementing their diets with things like:
1. Protein supplements : 1-2 scoops a day works well for women
2. Fish oil supplements : 4-6 capsules a day is typical for my female clients
3. A good, broad spectrum multi-vitamin : 1-3 capsules depending on the potency
Also, for women, I recommend the following
4. Branched chain amino acids :I prefer my female clients sip a BCAA drink during exercise to help promote high performance and more complete recovery.
5. Sleep enhancement: Although this isn’t a requirement, I find that many women who start training hard have a hard time falling asleep and/or sleeping through the night. Phosphatidylserine help quite a bit depending on the circumstances.
These are some of my top strategies for helping get women into awesome shape. Trust me, these strategies work fantastically if they’re consistently applied.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Your meal plan and a short effective workout
Some of you will need to scale down serving size
for your calorie needs...
and if you planning to go veggie...
Substitutions follow...
Make sure you check out you
5 min do anywhere workout!
Let me know what you think!!!
4 Whole Eggs
3/4 cup Mushrooms
1/2 Pepper (bell or cubanelle)
1 Orange1/4 cup Onions
1 2/3 tsp Olive or coconut oil
Calories: 383
Early Riser Vegetable Omelet
This tasty vegetable omelet gives you the energy to kick-start your day!
1/2 cup Celery
2 cups Tomatoes
1 Pepper (bell or cubanelle)
1 cup Okra
1/3 cup Rice
2 tsp Olive or monounsaturated oil
12 oz Tofu
Tofu Gumbo Creole
Chop the tofu and vegetables into chunks. Boil the rice. Meanwhile, saute the tofu and vegetables, except the tomatoes, until done, seasoning with salt, pepper, garlic and rosemary. Add the tomatoes and somemustard and Worcestershire sauce, now dump in the rice and bring to a simmer, then enjoy.
1/4 cup Lentils
10 Egg whites
1 Tomato
1/2 cup Onions
1 cup Carrots
2 cups Spinach
2 tsp Olive or monounsaturated oil
Calories: 474
Dhal - You'll also need a garlic clove and a small piece of ginger (dried can be substituted). Chop the onions, garlic, and ginger and fry. Add chopped tomato, curry powder (according to how hot you like it), 1 tsp tumeric powder, and if you've got em, some cumin and coriander. Then add 1-2 cups water, lentils, carrots, egg and spinach, then simmer. Season with salt and pepper, and enjoy!
2 cups Broccoli
2 cups Snow peas
1/2 cup Onions
1/2 cup Grapes
2 tsp Olive or monounsaturated oil
12 oz Tofu
Calories: 474
Broccoli-Ginger Tofu Delight
In a pan heat oil and saute tofu. Add vegetables, ginger and water. Cook until done, then reduce heat for about 20 minutes. Serve grapes for dessert.
1/2 cup Cottage cheese,
light/low fat
1/4 cup Blueberries
1/8 Kiwi
1/8 cup Mandarin orange, canned
1 tbsp of mixed nuts
Calories:119 Cottage Cheese, Berries, Kiwi and Nuts. Separately or together, a great combination!
Total = About 2000 calories at 40% Protein, 30% Carbs, 30% Fat\
I trust you understand that this is just one generic day. Prioritize high quality fats and protein in each meal when making food substitutes.
Here are some options:
Alternate Protein Source Options: * Hemp seed nut and flour * Tofu * Beans (kidney, black, garbanzo, soy, adzuki) * Legumes * Soy protein powder * Unsweetened soy drink
Good quality fat sources: * Extra virgin olive oil * Flax seed oil * Hemp seed oil * Avocado * Non-roasted nuts and seedsIf you are a pure vegetarian then you may suffer from low calcium levels.
Here are some of the best food choices to get in calcium rich foods without eating dairy: * Almonds * Beans * Dark, leafy green vegetables (spinach, kale) * Sesame seeds * Sunflower seeds
If you are training intensely to build muscle you may suffer from low enegy levels which would not be directly related to a vegetarian diet but because you may be missing out on iron-rich foods by not eating meat. Include these iron-rich foods: * Fortified cereal * Split pea soup * Dried peas and beans (kidney, lima, lentils) * Bran * Soybean nuts * Prune juice, raisins * Peanut butter * Apricots * Green beans * Walnuts, cashews, pecans, almonds
You'll be shocked at how much work you can get done using this week's
5-Minute Workout!
Let me know if you liked it, and make sure to
forward this mini-workout to 3 of your fitness friends.
They will love it.
Okay, so on with the show...
- Spend 30 seconds on each exercise (set a timer if possible)
- Do as many reps as you can in 30 seconds. If you can't go anymore,just hold the exercise at the halfway point.
- Do not rest between exercises.
- Keep going till 5 minutes is up.
- Count your total reps and try to beat it in the future!
1) Bodyweight Squat
2) Kneeling OR Close-grip OR Decline Pushups
3) Reverse Lunges OR 1-Leg Hip Extensions
4) Spiderman Climb OR Mountain Climbers
5) Jumping Jacks
Print that out and do your workout anywhere you want!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
After workout treats!
1A) DB Split Squat –
1B) DB Chest Press
2A) DB Row –
2B) DB 1-Arm Shoulder Press
3A) Lying DB Triceps Extension –
3B) Chin-up
Ab Circuit
A) Stability Ball Rollout –
B) Stability Ball Jackknife –
C) Cable Chop or Medicine Ball Chop
Interval Workout
4 Rounds of Snatches and Bag work
After a GREAT Workout I get to come home to this!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Five Super Foods to Include In Your Meal Plans
While one reader may be at the peak of their health and fitness journey, simply striving for maintenance - another person may be simply trying to figure out how to cut down on high fat, highyl processed foods - as their first step in their journey to better fitness and a better life.
A reminder first - Always choose organic versions of any foods I suggest - if it is within your means.
1) Steel Cuts Oats
Talk about a cheap, tasty, nutrient packed breakfast? Organic, Whole grain steel cut oats. Just a 1/4 cup gives you a solid 7 grams of protein and a satisfying 5 grams of fiber - with only 24 grams of energy sustaining, net carbs. Add a pinch of stevia, a half teaspoon of cinnamon, a tablespoon of raisins - and you are ‘in the zone’, my friend.
Take it up a notch by adding a tablespoon of ground flax seeds - and you wont be hungry for about 4 or 5 hours.
2) Sardines
I eat these about twice a week for lunch. Loaded with Omega-3s - sardines are also a fantastic source of calcium (when eaten with bones, which I do) and vitamin D. Open a can (packed in water, not oil) - sprinkle with a bit of sea salt and black peper, and say hello to a hearty serving of body-toning, fat-burning protein.
Add a chopped cucumber with a little vinegar or lemon juice and you are ‘in the zone’…
3) Sweet Potatoes
The deep orange color of this great veggie should make it dead give away to its nutritional value. Truth be told - these orange beauties put the regular white spud to shame because they have more vitamin C, folate, calcium, manganese and beta-carotene than the white variety of potato. As a matter of fact, one sweet potato (with skin) has a booming 25,000 IU of beta-carotene.
4) Spinach
My childhood friend, Popeye knew what he was doing whenever he squeezed open a can of spinach. As one of the ultimate dark green leafy veggies, spinach is loaded with vitamins A and K, a bit of folate - and a bunch of lutein. Lutein is associated with reduced risk of macular degeneration (the leading cause of impaired vision and blindness in people ago 65 and over). So, you wanna be strong and have good eye sight for the rest of your life? - then do like me and Popeye - and eat your spinach.
5) Strawberries
With these I would strongly urge you to go organic if you can. While organic strawberries may be a bit pricey - you can certainly make them ‘go further’ by mixing them with a bunch of other organic fruits - for a high fiber, nutrient packed, fruit salad dessert.
The nice thing about strawberries is that they contain powerful antioxidants, anthocyins, which as we all know - offer powerful health benefits for people of all ages. They also give you a nice dose of folate and vitamin C.
Have a comment, question - or just want to say “Thanks!” - then click on the ‘comment’ link below - and let me know…
And don’t forget to print this out and add it to your shopping list.
Monday, February 16, 2009
8 Tips to Getting Beach Body Ready!!!
It is time once and for all to get out that beach wear, try them on and get started on your way to fitting into them before the end of spring!
8 Tips to get Beach Body ready ASAP!
Use exercise that will boost your metabolism, change your body and burn tons of calories. Below is a list of how you should prioritize your exercise:
1st priority is strength training- this will increase your metabolism, burn calories and create an afterburn effect where you will burn more calories the 24-48 hours following the exercise bout.
2nd priority is metabolic interval circuit training- This is intense for short periods of time and will burn calories and give you an afterburn effect but won't necessarily build lean muscle tissue.
3rd priority is steady state cardio- This will burn calories but won't necessarily boost it for longer than during the workout.
So, bottom line, if you are short on time- Metabolic resistance training and an interval metabolic circuit 3-5 times a week are the keys to getting into shape ASAP!
4 Fuel your body. Eat within 15 minutes of waking up and then eat every 2-3 hours to fuel your body with a fruit or vegetable and protein at every meal.
This will get your metabolism revving.
5 Take care of yourself. Get enough sleep. Manage stress.
6 Drink your water- .7 x body weight in ounces of water. Think of water as your fat burning liquid.
7 Take a multivitamin and Omega 3 Fish Oil everyday.
8 Keep a journal! Keeping track of what you are doing will keep you accountable!
Eat healthy 90% of the time and plan on splurging the other 10%.
Follow these eight tips and you'll feel and look better in no time!
Valentine's Special Report
When Children Ages 4-8 were asked What Love Is':
When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love.'Rebecca - age 8'
When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different.You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.'
Billy - age 4'
Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.'
Karl - age 5'
Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK.'
Danny - age 7
Friday, February 6, 2009
10% gone
It's now the 6th of Feb. We have already passed one full month into 2009, and are now one-tenth of the way to 2010.
10% down,
90% to go!
Time flies. Whether you're having fun or not. How are your New Years Resolutions holding up?If you're behind schedule or have lost focus a little bit -
Start today.
Set some New Month Resolutions!
Maybe you want to lose 15lbs by Memorial Day?
Start by setting a goal of 12 weight training workouts to be performed in the rest of this month.
And get the first one done tomorrow.
Time to get started.
Maybe you want to improve your overall health & fitness training?
It's never too late to make massive changes.
Take action.
Take Action NOW.
-Workout of the Day
5 minutes warm up on cardio machine of your choice!
Now perform 20 seconds on of Lunges on right Rest 10 seconds
Now perform 20 seconds on of Lunges on the Left
Rest 10 Seconds
Perform 20 seconds of continuous Reverse Crunchesrest 10 seconds
Perform 20 seconds of continuous Db Shoulder PressRest 10 seconds
and repeat the circuit 3-4 times
Finish with 5 minutes of 1 minute fast 1 minute slow on your cardio equipment
Cool Down 5 Minutes
Curse my name and hit the shower!
-For You and your Kids
Upcoming workshops:
Calle Mayor Middle School
4800 Calle Mayor Drive, Torrance CA 90505
January, 27, 2008 - Self Esteem Workshop
With a teens hectic schedule, keeping up with technology, trying to wear the right clothing, getting good grades, and just keeping their heads above water..... Our kids are inundated with things to think (or stress) about. It is no wonder that some of them feel lost and have low self esteem. Just as our lives are becoming more complicated as the years pass... so are the lives of our children. This workshop will give you tools to help your child improve their self esteem.
February 17th - Test Preparation and Test Taking Skills Workshop
Tests are stressful for everyone - Teachers, Students and Parents! Make tests and standardized tests an easier part of school by being prepared. This workshop will give some great test taking strategies that can reduce your child's fear of tests and possibly even score higher. You won't want to miss the concrete ideas and details in this one!
March 24th - Communicating with your teen
An entire workshop devoted to helping you finally have a conversation with your teen! If this month's newsletter is at all interesting to you.... you won't want to miss this presentation!
Jefferson Middle School -
21717 Talisman Street Torrance CA 90503
6:00 p.m.
February 10th- Time Management / Organization Workshop-
Time management and organization are not skills that all people are born with. Yet, somehow we are all expected to be organized and manage our time. This presentation will provide ideas on how to get your kid organized and manage their busy lifestyles. Who knows,you may even end up learning a few ideas for yourself in the process!
February 18th - (rescheduled) Bullying Assemblies
I will be presenting an assembly to the students of Jefferson Middle school on bullying. These assemblies will include what bullying is: including the 4 different types of bullying, and a brief discussion on how to deal with bullying. The goal is to increase the awareness of the students in an attempt to help eliminate future situations. The presentation will be geared for kids and will include elements of music, humor, and interesting facts to keep their attention.
March 31st - Test Preparation and Test Taking Skills Workshop
Tests are stressful for everyone - Teachers, Students and Parents! Make classroom tests and standardized tests an easier part of school by being prepared. This workshop will give some great test taking strategies that can help reduce your childs' fear of test taking and possibly even score higher. You won't want to miss the concrete ideas and details in this one!
Hull Middle School
3420 W. 229th Place, Torrance CA 90505
6:30 p.m
March 3rd - Homework and Test taking strategies
This presentation will be a combination of my "Help! My kid has homework presentation"and my "test taking strategies" presentations. Homework and Tests go hand in hand. It will include when to help with homework, how much homework your child should receive and some test taking strategies to ease the entire test taking experience.
For more info go to:
Friday, January 23, 2009
Turbulence Training Bodyweight Circuit
if you've found you just don't have time for these long workouts,
I have great news for you. Men's Health expert, Craig Ballantyne, just sent me this bodyweight workout to give to you he also is giving you some
free sample workout videos on his site here:=>
This workout consists of 8 intermediate bodyweight exercises done in a circuit to replace long, slow cardio workouts. Combined with the advanced nutrition guidelines found on Craig's site, you'll lose fat faster with bodyweight exercises than you will with cardio. Here's a perfect way for to do a quick workout first thing in the morning before your day gets hectic.
"Turbulence Training Bodyweight Circuit"o
Do each exercise at a 1-0-1 pace except for the holds.o For Jumping Jacks & Running High Knees, go as fast as possible.o Do all exercises without resting between each.o At the end of the circuit, rest 1 minute & repeat twice more for a total of 3
"Bodyweight Circuits".
1) Jumping Jacks - 30 reps
2) Close-grip Pushup - 10 reps
3) Walking Lunge - 10 reps per side
4) Spiderman Climb - 10 reps per side
5) Wall Squat Hold - 30 second hold
6) Side Plank Hold - 30 second hold per side
7) Mountain Climber - 10 reps per side
8] Running High Knees - 20 reps per sideEnjoy!
Like I said, Craig even has more sample bodyweight workout videos upon his site here:
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Birthdays, Welcomes and a Tuf Complex
Tennis Pro Eusabio, my son Anthony and Birthday boy Nathan Miller
did this week!
Dumbbell Hammer Curls x 6
Dumbbell Upright Row x 6
Dumbbell High Pull Snatch Regular x 6
Dumbbell Parallel Press x 6
Dumbbell bent over row x 6
Dumbbell squat push press x 6
Dumbbell Alternate Leg Lunges x 6/6 (front to back)
Dumbbell alt leg lunges 6/6 (left/right)
Dumbbell Upright Row 6x6
It is done back to back(no rest) well...I did need to drop
the Db due to my failing grip:)
A great workout to burn fat and increase power endurance.
Happy Birthday to:
Nathan Miller
Maxwell Reeve
I would like to welcome
Blanca and Beth
to The End Results Family!
Make sure to look forward to workout videos
as i get the hang of this blogging thing!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Welcome 2009 Workout
Today is the day to get down to some work.
I hope you are now ready to train.
Here is your Post Holiday Gift Workout:
Circuit- If you are advanced, you can repeat the circuit up to 3 times
does NOT require any equipment - just your bodyweight.)
1) Y-Squat - 15 reps
2) 1-Leg RDL - 8 reps per side
3) Reverse Lunge - 15 reps per side
4) Spiderman Pushup - 8 reps per side
5) 1-Leg Reaching Lunge - 12 reps per side
6) X-Body Mountain Climber - 10 reps per side
7) Prone Stick-up - 8 reps
8] T-Pushup - 10 reps per side
Remember to ask about our
Holiday 6 session discount!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
3 Great Workshops fo You and Your Child
1 Video to help Remove Blocks to Success
I thought it would be interesting to show you a video about a way to eliminate some of the BLOCKS to success.
Laura's Upcoming workshops:
January, 27, 2008 - Self Esteem Workshop
Calle Mayor Middle School
4800 Calle Mayor Drive, Torrance CA 90505
With a teens hectic schedule, keeping up with technology, trying to wear the right clothing, getting good grades, and just keeping their heads above water..... Our kids are innundated with things to think (or stress) about. It is no wonder that some of them feel lost and have low self esteem. Just as our lives are becoming more complicated as the years pass... so are the lives of our children. This workshop will give you tools to help your child improve their self esteem.
January 13th - Homework Presentation -
Jefferson Middle School -
21717 Talisman Street, Torrance CA 90503
Give your child a leg up in school! This presentation has the ins and outs of homework completion and how you, as a parent can help. As a teacher for 10 years, I share the secrets, and not so secrets regarding homework - including how to avoid the homework struggle!
January 28th - Bullying Assemblies
Jefferson Middle School
21717 Talisman Street, Torrance CA 90503
I will be presenting an assembly to the students of Jefferson Middle school on bullying. These assemblies will include what bullying is: including the 4 different types of bullying, and a brief discussion on how to deal with bullying. The goal is to increase the awareness of the students in an attempt to help eliminate future situations. The presentation will be geared for kids and will include elements of music, humor, and interesting facts to keep their attention.
Visit my webpage for more information or to make an appointment. It is never too late to begin the journey to becoming your personal best!
Sincerely,Laura Kennerson, MA MFT intern, IMF 49829
Supervised by Cathy Chambliss MFT MFC 39875
310-530-7750 ext 6
2780 Skypark Drive,
Suite 205
Torrance CA 90505